Embrace your solitude as a bliss

If you are the chap who is super introvert and loves to be a solitary wanderer, feel fortunate. Being all by yourself and scouting places alone has it’s own charm. No matter how much people may coax you to engage in groups, to initiate a conversation or to move in company; always remember that your penchant for solitude is actually a bliss.
Well folks, the article is being written by an utterly introvert person who just loves hobnobbing with words.
Been told, ordered and demanded by many people to turn gregarious and start enjoying the company of others yet could never understand why being an introvert is deemed as something that ought to be dispelled. What is so instrumental in being an extrovert that people, like me, who love their solitude, force themselves to change their knack for introversion? Why are people always exhorting a shy person, who loves being in her/his own cocoon, to be more open and active?

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